The Prototype
- Prototypical/Freelanced: Prototypical Based freelance
- Prototype: Canadian Pacific Railway
- Location: South Western British Columbia
- Era: September 1955
- Interchange: CNR Hope
The Layout
- Scale: HO
- Size: Approx 520 square feet; 13’ 6” ‘ x 39’; Adjacent room crew lounge
- Control: DCC Lenz CVP radio Throttles
- Accessibility: Twenty Stairs to Front door from street – alternative access possible
- Length of mainline: 300 feet including staging in a double track helix
- Yards: 3
- Passing sidings: 7
- Scenery complete: 40%
- Carspots: 25
- Motive power: First generation CPR Diesels some with sound
- Rolling stock: 150 freight cars; 15 Passenger Cars
- Track construction: Flex track Code 70, Turnouts #6 – a few scratchbuilt switches
- Clock Speed: 6:1 GML Enterprises
- Session Length: 3 hours with mid-session break
- Crew Size: 11
- Dispatching: TT&TO with a Dispatcher and 3 Operators
- Car Forwarding: CC & WB
- Communication: Telephones with headsets
- Jobs: 1 Yard Crew; 6 road crews who operate 2 passenger trains, 6 through freights, 4 Wayfreights; 2 mixed trains; 3 station operators, and dispatcher
- Train lengths: Maximum 14 cars
- Session atmosphere: Enjoyable time operating trains
More Information
- Website: Coquihalla Valley Model Railway