The meet is at  West Mall Centre (WMC) Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia.

Perched atop Burnaby Mountain, Simon Fraser University’s original Arthur Erickson-designed campus now includes more than three dozen academic buildings and is flanked by UniverCity, a flourishing sustainable residential community. The meet timing is between school terms at SFU, making the world class classrooms and excellent accommodations available for our use. Not only does this location result in a nearly endless supply of excellent space designed for giving educating clinics, but also, remarkably convenient access and inexpensive, comfortable accommodations.

SFU offers ample inexpensive and convenient parking only steps from the clinic and display rooms, numerous restaurants and gathering places and great access from the lower mainland’s excellent Skytrain and bus network. Frequent bus service and nearby Skytrain stations will allow easy access to the meet from almost everywhere in the lower mainland for those using public transportation.

Banner photo credit: Pauline Ramos @ Flickr. Creative Commons License
West Mall Centre photo credit: David Grant @ Flickr. Creative Commons License